About: Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar

Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar

Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar is the Founder of Dash Of Bling (www.dashofbling.com), a keen blogger, and a Bangalore city dweller acutely aware of the larger impact of our lifestyle choices.

Posts by Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar:

essential oils to keep repellents away

8 essential oils that keep creepy crawlies away


15 ways to Recycle toothbrushes

Image Courtesy: https://pixabay.com/en/spices-flavorings-seasoning-food-887348/

Pull out that spice rack for healthy skin

benefits of sesame oil

Sesame oil and its benefits for skin and hair

eco friendly diwali

Celebrate Diwali, the environment friendly way

natural kitchen cleaners

5 chemical free, DIY Kitchen Cleaners


10 reasons why we love Honey

cleaning toys at home

Keep toys clean without chemicals