About: Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar

Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar

Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar is the Founder of Dash Of Bling (www.dashofbling.com), a keen blogger, and a Bangalore city dweller acutely aware of the larger impact of our lifestyle choices.

Posts by Sanghmitra Rajat Kumar:

eco friendly travel

5 essentials items for a low carbon holiday

upcycle drawers

10 cool upcycle ideas for old drawers

natural skin cleansers

5 eco friendly, natural skin cleansers

reuse plastic bottles

5 ways of reusing personal care bottles


8 ways to reuse old tyres

ideas for best out of waste

10 ideas to get the best out of bathroom waste

Natural oils

Virgin, Refined or Cold Pressed?


5 ways to repurpose old or broken chairs

Baby Shower, Baby Boys, Baby Booties.

6 eco friendly gifts to give at a baby shower